There is a possibility Alan Fullard may be a contender at the Tamworth Country Festival in Australia      


For Alan Fullard SKY is the limit

Be a special fan and join others in the music industry "pop
 in and say Hi to Alan and his fans
This is Alan Fullard official Fan Club

Alan Fullard, Singer and Song Writer, 

Alan is a model to the entertainment world,

he has an enchanting voice,

The west Midlands of UK is aware that Alan is

on a wave to a breakthrough in

 the music world this Christmas...."move over Santa"!  

Is Alan Fullard an Indian Guru? 

People around the world experience the warmth of harmony in Alan's voice .........

until you  hear and feel the vibration of sincerity in song which Alan Fullard delivers, you will be lost

in absence of the true meaning of song and music.

Since the age of 16 Alan has entertained thousands of fans and he has traveled

extensively throughout England an Ireland 

Go to the real picture site and appreciate the power

in Alan's voice